Archive for December 29th, 2010


BUSTED! by @VampireBill….again

Shannon frequently dons The Man’s face, but seldom does she get caught doing it. That’s ALWAYS the best part……

smeykunz Good Evening

SheiroQ @smeykunz Oh eff.

smeykunz @SheiroQ Miss Stina, is something the matter? *grins*

SheiroQ @smeykunz no, nothing. *stares at you*

smeykunz @SheiroQ Shannon is extremely talented with impressions. *grins* I am certain she excels at others as well.

SheiroQ @smeykunz Only problem is she speaks much more than you do, sir. Like – she uses all the characters, just like I do. *aims for the zero*

smeykunz @SheiroQ Indeed, but not always.

smeykunz @SarahELeonard *pops fangs* Miss Sarah, you are looking well.

SarahELeonard @smeykunz Aren’t I always? *smirk*

smeykunz @SarahELeonard *fangy grin* Indeed.

SarahELeonard @smeykunz Now, if you could set me up with Lorena… or Sophie Anne… or Pam… that would be fantastic. *bats eye lashes*

smeykunz @SarahELeonard My maker is dead. *winces* The Queen disgusts me. Pam has her nose too far up the sheriff’s backside.

VampireBill @smeykunz You certainly look dashing this evening.

SheiroQ *DIES*

SarahELeonard BWAHAHA AWKWARD. @smeykunz @VampireBill

smeykunz Oops

smeykunz @VampireBill As do you. *grins* Good evening.

smeykunz *whistles*

VampireBill @smeykunz Good evening. Shall we have a Tru:Blood? *warms up 2, in the microwave*

smeykunz @VampireBill Yes, that sounds delightful.

VampireBill @smeykunz *hands you Tru:Blood* Do not waste this, Shannon, there are Vampires starving in China. *smirks*

smeykunz @VampireBill *takes bottle* I would not dream of it. *drinks*

VampireBill @smeykunz *clinks your bottle* Bottoms up. *drinks Tru:Blood and watches you*

smeykunz *drinking Tru:Blood with @VampireBill and trying not to gag* Yum.

VampireBill @smeykunz *smiles* I can feel your disgust, Shannon. You seem to forget, I have had your blood.

smeykunz @VampireBill No actually, I haven’t forgotten. How could I?

smeykunz My stream is extremely sexy looking right now.

VampireBill @smeykunz *comes closer* And you have not injured yourself, requiring my assistance, since then?

smeykunz@VampireBill No. Shocking isn’t it?

VampireBill @smeykunz Indeed it is. Can you please change your picture back? I would like to see true beauty.

smeykunz If I don’t change my av this could feel homoerotic FAST!

smeykunz @VampireBill *adjusts face* Great minds think alike. *winks*

smeykunz True Beauty huh? Charmer…..

VampireBill @smeykunz There you are. Much better. *smiles* I could not resist popping in.


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