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The Queen’s Big Day!

Normally the Queen Belle has the first and last say on what gets posted on this blog.. Well, today she does too, seeing as to how she can delete this. 😉

This is your Southern Belle, @RynBlair, here reporting this most interesting news: It’s Shan’s Birthday! Now everyone join in with me in singing her a warm birthday song! *Insert music & singing here*. (I didn’t really sing). Play the video at the bottom for bg music before moving on…

Shan, we just want to wish you a wonderful b-day! I have compiled some pics & some other tidbits from close friends. Please refer to the following:

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And now messages from your virtual BirthdayCardBlogPost. Can you guess who said what?

“To the girl who keeps twitter alive…”

“I have a Sonic Screwdriver pen in the glove box”

“Kelly Clarkson!”

“Happy Birthday to the other side of my Asshat. Love you!”
“And now, I’d like to sing a song for you, for your Birthday.
The sun’ll come out, tomorrow, betchyur bottom dollar that tomorrowwwww there’ll be suuuun!

“Happy Birthday BooBooKitty, Fondly HRH…”



My 10 Favorite Things About Bill Compton or Stephen Moyer

Hot off the presses from @simplymoyer……..


BUSTED! by @VampireBill….again

Shannon frequently dons The Man’s face, but seldom does she get caught doing it. That’s ALWAYS the best part……

smeykunz Good Evening

SheiroQ @smeykunz Oh eff.

smeykunz @SheiroQ Miss Stina, is something the matter? *grins*

SheiroQ @smeykunz no, nothing. *stares at you*

smeykunz @SheiroQ Shannon is extremely talented with impressions. *grins* I am certain she excels at others as well.

SheiroQ @smeykunz Only problem is she speaks much more than you do, sir. Like – she uses all the characters, just like I do. *aims for the zero*

smeykunz @SheiroQ Indeed, but not always.

smeykunz @SarahELeonard *pops fangs* Miss Sarah, you are looking well.

SarahELeonard @smeykunz Aren’t I always? *smirk*

smeykunz @SarahELeonard *fangy grin* Indeed.

SarahELeonard @smeykunz Now, if you could set me up with Lorena… or Sophie Anne… or Pam… that would be fantastic. *bats eye lashes*

smeykunz @SarahELeonard My maker is dead. *winces* The Queen disgusts me. Pam has her nose too far up the sheriff’s backside.

VampireBill @smeykunz You certainly look dashing this evening.

SheiroQ *DIES*

SarahELeonard BWAHAHA AWKWARD. @smeykunz @VampireBill

smeykunz Oops

smeykunz @VampireBill As do you. *grins* Good evening.

smeykunz *whistles*

VampireBill @smeykunz Good evening. Shall we have a Tru:Blood? *warms up 2, in the microwave*

smeykunz @VampireBill Yes, that sounds delightful.

VampireBill @smeykunz *hands you Tru:Blood* Do not waste this, Shannon, there are Vampires starving in China. *smirks*

smeykunz @VampireBill *takes bottle* I would not dream of it. *drinks*

VampireBill @smeykunz *clinks your bottle* Bottoms up. *drinks Tru:Blood and watches you*

smeykunz *drinking Tru:Blood with @VampireBill and trying not to gag* Yum.

VampireBill @smeykunz *smiles* I can feel your disgust, Shannon. You seem to forget, I have had your blood.

smeykunz @VampireBill No actually, I haven’t forgotten. How could I?

smeykunz My stream is extremely sexy looking right now.

VampireBill @smeykunz *comes closer* And you have not injured yourself, requiring my assistance, since then?

smeykunz@VampireBill No. Shocking isn’t it?

VampireBill @smeykunz Indeed it is. Can you please change your picture back? I would like to see true beauty.

smeykunz If I don’t change my av this could feel homoerotic FAST!

smeykunz @VampireBill *adjusts face* Great minds think alike. *winks*

smeykunz True Beauty huh? Charmer…..

VampireBill @smeykunz There you are. Much better. *smiles* I could not resist popping in.


On The Hunt For Clue Number 6 #trueblood

6) CLUE: Alan discusses a complex relationship put to the test, he reminds us what is good and what we must do to be at our best. He talks of these Southerners with some serious southern drawl.. Do you know the four tidbits he shares for us all?


On The Hunt For Clue Number 5 #trueblood

5) CLUE: Sam is Sam, Sam is Dean, Dean is Duffy, Duffy is a dog. So I ask you, what breed is he?


On The Hunt For Clue Number 4 #trueblood

4)CLUE: He’s working with Marc Andreyko on a new read, we think his character seems to have been born from a bad seed. On TV he makes us shake our heads, on twitter he makes us laugh, Now he’s on to new things, he’s been hired to a new staff…


On The Hunt For Clue Number 3 #trueblood

3) CLUE: We follow him online, what a stand up guy, such a shame Sookie has him in her sights, he always seems to die. Someone sent him hunting and the Viking wants to know who, He’d like to say hello, but also goodbye to you too!


On The Hunt For Clue Number 2 #trueblood

Everyone ready for the next clue?

2) CLUE: Michael and Matt give us a clip, while leaving us feeling like we’ve been shot and hit! The time was 4:35, the take was 4, now if only we knew what date was before…


On The Hunt For True Blood

Hey all y’all Truebies and FangBangers out there! Your Southern Belle here, @RynBlair,  checkin’ in with some excitin’ news just for you! Here at Belle headquarters, we have been kinda down and lonely without Mr. Compton and all the rest of the gang delightin’ us with their presence every Sunday night.  So we thought  and we thought and we came up with an idea for a post with the oh so gracious @Joe_Corroney about his work as a True Blood comic book artist. It was a nice pain reliever for our #fangover. Unfortunately, it was only temporary.

Well, that came and went and now we were right back where we started y’all, with a serious case of #TBwithdrawal! Back to the square one we went. Think, think, think. Then it hit us! We could have a contest! Oh no, not just any contest, but a multi-part contest.. It seemed to me that Season 3 was a lot about the hunt. Whether it for vampires, werewolves, fairies, supes, or just Tara, someone was being  hunted. So, with that being said, the first part of the contest is a scavenger hunt of sorts, True Blood style of course. Each day for the next 6 days there will be a clue posted, either from @BillsBelles or me, @RynBlair, so be sure to follow us both!  You can look below for the first clue.

Complete and submit your answers for the scavenger hunt to by Tuesday, 12-21-10 at 7pm EST. The person who gets the most correct answers in first will win the first prize! If you can’t figure them all out don’t fret, everyone who submits answers to the scavenger hunt will automatically be eligible to enter the next part of the contest.. A holiday themed True Blood poem! I’m not askin’ for much, just a lil holiday cheer! We will have some special judges for this part, TBA. I will fill y’all in a lil more when the time gets a lil closer. Any ?’s, @ me on twitter or drop us an email.

Now I realize y’all aren’t gonna do this just ‘cuz you love lil ‘ole me… And I’m sure you’re thinkin’ to yourself, “Why would I want to do this?”.  So for you, I present The Prizes: The winners will get a SIGNED print by @Joe_Corroney. If you’re really bad, maybe we will throw in something else to ease the #fangover a ‘lil more… After all, who doesn’t love a lil swag?

1)CLUE: I switch a lever and off they go, several hundred vampires, all in a row. The button is pressed, the formula set, Now where did we leave off, bet you can’t guess!

Have fun everyone…..


The Belles are Sticking it to You!

The Belles have all new gear!

Check out the latest addition to our merchandise via!

Watch for upcoming events and contests when the Belles will be giving away some of these great stickers in addition to other fun prizes.

Interested in ordering your own bumper stickers? Check out these great styles at or make your own!


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